Black Mica
Black Mica is a mineral miracle and the foundation for the alchemy of Blue Z Water. When activated it transforms toxic water to pristine water. Black mica provides hot springs with it’s sulfur rich healing minerals and is the manna spewing from the deepest volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean. Black Mica layers are held together by potassium and this concentration of potassium inside the Mica is almost exactly the same as the concentration of potassium in our cells. Further, the negative ion structure of Black Mica is identical to the phosphate group structure of the RNA in our cells. Our DNA structure is identical to the molecular structure of Black Mica. Black Mica has been called “Mineral Sunlight” by scientists as they discovered that Black Mica vibrates at the exact same frequency as sunlight, which explains why sea life survives at the deepest part of the ocean. It vibrates at 10,000 vibrations per second – the same frequency at which cellular life thrives.